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Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs) are fundamental electronic components widely used in power electronics applications such as PFCs and switched power supplies. For a long time, the main solutions on the market were restricted to Si devices, which however exhibit significant limitations.

The material properties of Silicon restrict the use of unipolar (or Schottky) diodes to a range up to 100 V–150 V, with relatively high on-state resistance and leakage current. For higher voltages, p-i-n junctions are employed, which however results in large reverse-recovery behavior and thus are limited to low switching frequencies.

Thanks to the superior properties of wide-bandgap semiconductors, GaN and SiC Schottky diodes can reach a much higher breakdown voltage with low reverse recovery charge and on-resistance. Due to their vertical structure, SiC Schottky diodes are particularly suited for applications in the kV range, especially for industrial and automotive applications, but present some disadvantages in terms of cost and integration for lower voltage ranges < 1 kV, leaving a large market segment unaddressed.

GaN-on-Si SBDs are an ideal solution for applications in the 200 V – 650 V range, resulting in low-cost devices with zero reverse recovery charge, low on-resistance, and low leakage thanks to the unique property of Gallium Nitride grown on a cheap Si substrate. Through our unique technology, NovaWave provides high-performance 650V GaN SBDs at a cost close to silicon solutions but with performance in line with the best silicon carbide devices. With zero reverse recovery and low reverse leakage, our 650 V GaN SBDs series let you take full advantage of the GaN potential and offer a complete GaN portfolio comprising HEMTs, SBDs, and driving ICs.


NW’s GaN SBDs originate from our ability to continuously innovate and are the first devices of this type on the market. With their excellent performance and reduced cost, they have a groundbreaking potential for several power conversion applications.


Thanks to the large-area and low-cost Si substrate, our GaN-on-Si SBDs offer a cost-effective solution without any compromise on the performance.

Full GaN

NW’s products provide a complete GaN portfolio comprising HEMTs, SBDs, and driving ICs. This enables taking full advantage of Gallium Nitride extraordinary properties and achieving more compact and integrated solutions.